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Many people looking to move into a new apartment or extend their current stay assume that the landlord’s terms for a lease are set in stone. However, you might be surprised to learn that many landlords are open to negotiations about some or all of the terms of the proposed contract. If you are willing to dedicate some time, it may be possible to achieve a lower rent rate, obtain the right to have a pet in an apartment, or even get a landlord to agree to pay for utilities.
Having a Fort Lauderdale residential lease negotiation lawyer by your side during this process can make all the difference. Our highly trained real estate attorneys work to understand your specific needs, organize your arguments, attend negotiation sessions in person, and fight for a fair lease agreement that fits your needs and complies with all relevant laws. Contact All Florida Real Estate Lawyers today to begin reviewing the details of your lease.
Parties to a contract, such as a residential lease, can generally include terms addressing any concepts they wish. Typical examples of essential topics in these leases include:
As a rule, courts are typically hesitant to interfere with contracting parties. However, an essential exception is when the term of a contract violates the law. For example, Florida Statutes § 83.64 states that a landlord cannot raise the rent on a tenant or otherwise retaliate against them because the tenant has exercised their rights under the law. Not only can a Fort Lauderdale residential lease negotiation attorney represent your interests while negotiating the terms of leases, but they can also review these terms to ensure that they do not violate any state or federal laws.
Every potential tenant participates in a residential lease negotiation with their own goals. However, in general, these goals will be to meet their specific needs. On the other side of the coin, a landlord must also understand their own goals and where they are willing to be flexible. It is important to recognize that a residential lease only applies to the specific relationship between the landlord and the contracting tenant. This means that an agreement with a particular tenant does nothing to change the landlord’s relationship with other residents.
When a landlord or an authorized representative signs the contract, the lease is finalized. If that lease allows the tenant to pay reduced rent, to have a pet on the property, or any other term, the tenant retains those rights for the length of the contract.
A residential lease negotiation attorney can examine a Fort Lauderdale tenant’s suggestions and provide an analysis of how those suggestions may change a landlord’s legal liabilities. They can also present a counteroffer on behalf of property owners that can help craft a new lease that makes everyone happy.
Many landlords seek tenants to fill empty units to maintain their revenue streams. These landlords likely have existing leases that have served them well in the past. However, no two tenants are identical, and due to specific needs or desires, a prospective tenant may attempt to enter negotiations.
Let a Fort Lauderdale resident lease negotiations lawyer take the lead in protecting your property and rights. If a tenant insists on negotiating a lease and you are open to the prospect, an attorney can help to explain your position, identify where you are willing to be flexible, and craft a new lease that is clear and legally binding. Call our firm today to schedule a meeting.