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The sale and purchase of real estate is a significant financial decision. Whether you are looking to purchase property as your family’s primary home, as a vacation residence, or as a business investment, it is critical that you have qualified legal representation on your side so that the transaction goes off without a hitch.
A Davie real estate lawyer is ready to protect your best interests every step of the way. This includes performing a title search into the seller’s authority to transfer the land, providing support during the negotiation of a purchase, and registering the property to protect your investment in the future. Call All Florida Real Estate Lawyers today to schedule an initial consultation for more information on the services you can receive.
The seller and the buyer are the two main parties involved in transferring a property, home, or business. A well-practiced Davie attorney is prepared to represent the interests of either type of client during real estate transactions. These transactions can be for both commercial real estate and residential real estate, and potential services can include:
Another key benefit of working with Marc Brown, P.A. is your control over the process. Whether you are a buyer or seller, having the assistance of skilled legal counsel on your side ensures you have control over the transaction.
Before individuals sign a purchase or sale agreement, it is in the best interest of potential buyers to run a title search. A title is a seller’s authentication that they own the property and have the right to sell it. It may also serve as a guarantee that no other party will attempt to claim ownership in the future.
Another step in the process is the creation of a new deed. The seller will typically already have one on file in the Broward County Records Department. Researching the deed can provide more information than a title search about the seller’s ability to transfer the land. After the sale, the creation of a new deed informs all parties of a buyer’s rights to the property as a matter of public record.
In addition, if any disputes arise during the sale, Marc Brown, P.A. is ready to pursue appropriate remedies or defend your actions. Allegations of contract breach are uncommon in the real estate world, and a tenacious attorney is prepared to take the lead in negotiating a settlement or making powerful arguments in court.
A detailed Davie real estate attorney can take all of these actions and more to ensure buyers and sellers have smooth transitions of assets with minimal to no delays.
Purchasing or selling real estate is a significant financial transaction that can involve most of your assets and future economic stability. Whether you are looking to purchase your family’s home, have a location to do business, or are seeking to sell land, a Davie real estate lawyer can provide valuable support.
Contact All Florida Real Estate Lawyers today to schedule a private consultation.